Located at an important downtown intersection and adjacent to a heritage-designated 1912 apartment building, the structure is envisioned as a landmark and adds needed hotel capacity to the growing city. The design accommodates an apartment hotel, two levels of office space, a fifth-floor lounge/ restaurant and terrace, and a ground floor multi-use atrium with a cafe. The architectural expression of the four-storey podium is made compatible with the height, façade rhythms, and materiality of the adjacent heritage building. The 20-storey tower form is derived by composing the facades to angle toward exceptional views and exploits solar exposure to each apartment. The walls of the tower are accentuated by angled, vertical, bronze-toned metal cladding and angled, raised penthouse roof corners. This will give the facade a dynamic effect of subtle changes in hue and brightness at different times of the day and night, and a distinctive silhouette. The atrium is situated at the southeast corner and is conceived as a wintergarden oasis for building occupants and the public. With tall trees, this richly planted space will be a welcome green oasis at the prominent, busy, downtown intersection. 



Esquimalt Town Square


Capital VI