Brownfield Redevelopment Comprehensive Urban Design Plan

A comprehensive urban design plan to redevelop a 7.5-acre brownfield site in the emerging Arts and Innovation District at the northern edge of Downtown, owned by a consortium of the Songhees and the Esquimalt Nations. The land is to be redeveloped according to an adaptable, long-range comprehensive plan, to be integrated with the encroaching urban core of the city. Priorities include incremental conversion from short to long-term land-use; environmental, watercourse and shoreline remediation; re-establishment of public infrastructure; and maintaining compatibility with industrial, commercial and residential uses in the host district. As a shoulder area to downtown, the site has latent potential to house, serve and employ a growing First Nations urban population. There is room for waterfront and light industry, professional and high technology services, institutional uses, arts and cultural uses, public works and amenities, public spaces, as well as privately built market and non-market housing.


Brownfield Redevelopment Victoria BC

Evergreen Terrace


Capital Culture District